Mindset matters, but to grow your mindset matters even more!
About Grow Your Mindset 
As primary school teachers, Gemma Sanchez and Liz Cronshaw were asked, by their head teacher, to research how to improve the mindset of children. This is where it all began!
The results they achieved were outstanding, so they decided to go it alone. They left teaching and formed Grow Your Mindset in 2018. Then they were all set to share their knowledge with other school children, teachers and businesses. Since then they have grown their business and won awards, including the Rossendale Business awards 2020.
Business Success Despite The Pandemic
Yes, there has been business success despite pandemic. They have managed to alter their business model and progress. They’re even expanding and have taken on two new trainers. Not being defeated by what they can’t do, in terms of face-to-face training, they have re-focused and embraced new possibilities. Now they’re working with international schools and businesses. There is just no stopping this dynamic duo!
Eddie Effort
This amazing team have even written a children’s book. Eddie Effort, is the main character of Gemma and Liz’s new children’s book! No one can accuse them of not using lockdown wisely, that’s for sure! Way to go ladies!
Future Business Growth
So, what’s next for this purposeful pair of Lancashire business women? Find out right here by listening to this enthralling interview! Their future holds no bounds and they have so much planned to look forward to!
My Thoughts
I found it so inspiring and motivational chatting to Gemma and listening to her discussing her passion for life and business! I find her so uplifting and humbling!
If I were to choose three special words to sum up this interview they would be winners, wonderful and wow!
This is a must listen for anyone interested in hearing about new start-up businesses succeeding. If you’re interested in uplifting business stories, business success inspiration, how to win business awards, or you just want to know more about this mindset business.
Thanks for listening to my Reallife Radio, Mind Your Own Business show.
I hope you enjoy it!
Feel free to browse my blogs or get in touch if you want to know more about my networking groups or my networking & communications training.
Very Best Wishes,