Tracy Heatley was the Rossendale Business Awards MC for the third year running!
Rossendale Business Awards 2022
Hundreds of Rossendale business owners attended, the Rossendale Business Awards 2022, held at The Ashcroft, in Whitworth. Undoubtedly, it was a momentous occasion, with lots of recognition for local Rossendale businesses. The awards has been held for twelve years and in one way or another, Tracy has been involved from the start, as her business is an annual sponsor of the Micro Business award, which was won this year my Lisa Mousley, from . A double celebration took place, as Lisa was having her thirtieth business birthday the following day. What an amazing achievement for Lisa and her team, especially as the travel industry was impacted more than most during the last couple of years. Not only has Lisa got her business through the pandemic, amazingly, she’s expanded the business and bought new business premises.
Valley At Work
The awards is run by Valley At Work, which is headed up by the recently appointed new Chair, Ruth Winters, owner of Winters Solicitors. Already, Ruth has invited Tracy back to host the Rossendale Business Awards next year, which Tracy has gladly accepted. As arranged by the Valley At Work committee, Rossendale Radio interviewed Tracy, along with all the other sponsors and winners on the night, as well as live streaming the event.
Tracy Says….
Pleasingly, Tracy was nominated for an award. However, respectfully, because she is the Rossendale Business Awards MC , she chose to abstain. She said, “I’ve always loved being involved with the awards. I was absolutely thrilled when I was asked to be the MC a few years ago. I must have done something right, because I’ve been invited back every year since then. It’s such and honour and a privilege to be amongst so many successful business owners, finalists and worthy winners. What’s not love? It’s truly inspirational and I love doing it! Huge congratulations to all the finalists and winners. May your successes continue to bring you everything you deserve and more”.